So maybe you were writing a novel or short story or just a page or two, but then you find that you don't have enough material and everything is WAY too short.  Well fear no more, i bet there are thing that are left out, whether you see them now or will later.  Having the protagonist meet others in a novel is one way to expand the story, even if that person does not have a large role in the story .  But by the time you actually finish your writing it's usually longer than you would think.  Just think of how your novel or short story ends, does it satisfy you?  is there an explainable reason for everything to happened because if there isn't you might need to rework it some.  Have something or someone go off and get that explainable reason for help coming when it is most needed.  And i assure you, that if you keep working at it you will have enough material, and also adding more descriptions in, and in earlier blogs i wrote making your characters understandable and almost human.

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