The Short Story Contest Rules.

1.  Writing officially starts January 20th.  Pre-writing and planning is definitely allowed and much encouraged

2.  Writing officially ends February 15th.  That's 25 days, those of you who did NaNoWriMo should know this is a breeze compared to November.

3.  You may post the short story in the comments of the Short Story Contest Results which will be posted on February 15th.

4.  None of the above rules are a must, writing is something that should be enjoyed; an exhilarating experience EVERY time, so don't feel pressured.

I wish I could go on, but it's 11 PM here and I really should be in bed... not typing wildly.  I have things to write, inspiration to share, alas, I am to tired to type it at such a late hour...

Enough with this Old English speech.

I promise sometime tomorrow I'll make the post, I have a lot of good things I want to put into ink (digital pixels that is).

The pen is mightier than the sword.  True words.

~The WordWeaver~
1/16/2013 09:08:30 pm

Digital pixels... haha... :-)

It looks so interesting! Man, I wish I wasn't so busy. *dreams of another one* (hinthint) ;)

11 o'clock! Rob! A writer needs their sleep! Humph. And plus, I can't comment immediately. *crosses arms* ;)

The WordWeaver
1/17/2013 03:11:09 am

Yeah... I know. :( I shouldn't be up at 11 but then again... I feel compelled to post. Lol, and besides, do you really check my blog that often that you could comment the second I post? :P

1/17/2013 10:58:30 pm

Ha! No. :-) I don't check it that often! ;)

1/17/2013 02:06:12 am

Hmmm.....I'll definitely consider entering, if I have time. Maybe you should post the word count minimum/maximum?

The WordWeaver
1/17/2013 02:45:14 am

That would be awesome. :)

Good idea, I'll add that to the end of the next post. :)

General J.S.
1/17/2013 06:23:26 am

I shall definitely join the story contest. Word Weaver, what pets do any

of your family members have?

The WordWeaver
1/18/2013 08:56:18 am

Great! :D

My brother has 5 chickens and a kitten. He's had a lot of other animals before, all of which have died by now.

General J.S.
1/17/2013 09:53:32 am

By the way, I like your new website title!

The WordWeaver
1/18/2013 08:58:50 am

Thanks! :D

General J.S.
1/20/2013 08:30:19 am

Sad...about the dead pets :(

2/14/2013 11:53:21 am

Hey, um...I'm gonna have to pull out of the contest....being gone for a week on top of little to no inspiration has left me with hardly any story at all...I'll still send in what have though, and you'll have a sneak peek to my sequel! :D


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