Upon request I'll repeat what NaNoWriMo is (sorry for the delay).

NaNoWriMo stands for Nation Novel Writing Month, in which you write a 50,000 word novel in a month.  If you are younger than 17 you can participate in the young writer's program, where you can set your own word count.  If older than 13, you may in the regular NaNoWriMo which you write a set goal of 50,000.  I think I have everything there.

Okay, update on my NaNo novel.  I've got 47,100+ words, and I hope to jack it up to maybe even 50,000, but as I am doing the Young Writer's Program, I have set my goal to even higher, 60,000.  A challenge indeed, but a challenge I have excepted full-heatedly and  shall not loose.


The Kid Author

P.S.  Writing tips coming later today/early tomorrow.
Reed Uhler
11/23/2012 05:49:54 am

Thanks again!

Do I have to join NaNoWriMo, or do I just start whenever?

Also, (I'm not sure if you've already responded to this) how do I join WC, is it the same as NaNo, and what are the rules? I also have two friends I am inviting; I hope you are fine with that.


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