Actually "AH HA!" moments might be harder to realize you just struck one than you think.  If anything amazing strikes you when you are writing, you will notice it, but other than that you'll have to find those "AH HA!" moments by yourself.  I you happen to hear something that just resonates in you mind then that could end up in an "AH HA!" moment.  However first we need to find out what those "AH HA!" moments usually are for you, what interests you?  If you hear something that interests you, think about it for a while, after all you might have a Light Bulb pop on in your head!
        Do you know that what you just heard could eventually turn out to be a big "AH HA!"  Of course not always, and "AH HA!" moments don't always come.  But keep searching and you'll come on one sometime.

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