Incoming news has reported that a major breakdown in the local "Waste and Water" plantation has been flooded.  Unknown sources speculate that the waste, held high up in a large bottle much like we would see of water towers in cities, was hit by an incoming meteorite last night, for all across the country shooting stars (as some humans call them) and "dragon lit afire" as a normal Grimm should call them.  What? You don't know what a Grimm is?  HAHAHAHA!! that's the silliest joke I- wait, you serious?  Well, you are human so I guess it is expected that you don't know about Grimms, and for that matter you probably were never taught what a Glaid Farey was either.  Nor Pigbelly Possums, Flying chipmunks, talking animals, dragons, well maybe dragons, them vikings leaked on a lot of things we Grimms were trying to hide, and all of you should know, by now at least because of the Norse again, that there once was a Norse king who- well never mind, it sounds better in poem.
In legends old,
it was told,
that a king of the Norse 
fell off his horse.
That he would forever, remorse.

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