4 days into the contest and I now have 1,774 words, though that word count hasn't been updated since yesterday, so I hope to write about 1,000 more words today.

I was hit (like really hard, I think I have a black eye (Just kidding)) with some cool, yet... weird inspiration.

My mind wants me to make this into a fantasy story, yet from the beginning I had always wanted it to stay in the Low Fantasy genre, not High Fantasy.

So I had a bit of a war going on inside me.

High Fantasy (what I mostly write) VS Low Fantasy (not so much).

But I have been writing so much High Fantasy that I really wanted a change.

At last, I came upon a solution.  While the High Fantasy part felt cheated, he wasn't totally raging my mind.  Low Fantasy was quite contented, though uneasy about this new character I was creating to the assured satisfaction of High Fantasy, and also a major event that just occurred (which could, if I wanted to, actually make it into a full blown novel, though not what I wanted to happen with it).

So here's how it is.

Something major (I won't tell you, you're going to read the entire story eventually - hopefully sometime in 2014), happens like really major.

Something I really hope I can pull off write.  If I don't, well it's just going to be a few (hundred) drafts for me.

Then the Protagonist meets a guy who (I can't tell you much), helps him recover from the major event, and actually ***SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER***

Yeah, in no way am I going to tell you that spoiler.  It's the climax.

Anyway, how are your Short Stories coming?

Anything unexpected?

Plot Changes?

Also, what's your word count?  How many words do you suspect you will end up with?

I'm thinking my Short Story could range anywhere from 5,000 words to - dare I say it - 12,000.  Not that I want it to be that long, it's just the way certain things are happening it might.

Of course, I can't forget the deadline, which I hope to have it finished by (first draft of course).  And though the deadline is 21 days from now, I'll have to type fast.

Other things:

I always seem to talk about writing on this blog.  And that's all I do.

Maybe I should talk more about what's happening in my general life, eh?

Anyway, I have to go to Volley Ball practice in about two hours, so while I really, really want to keep rambling on (why today? :P), I have to go. :(

~The One Who Is InkSplattered
General J.S.
1/24/2013 08:37:39 am

Yay! I'm the first to comment!

My story is coming along very well, and it seems original enough.

No plot changes have occurred.

I have a great idea for the main storyline; I shan't inform you as to

what it is, though.

And . . . as for my word count, I have, so far, 935 words.

I am about to start writing more in a few minutes!

I really like the idea of Mr. Ink-Splattered talking about his

non-writing life.

General J.S.

The WordWeaver
1/26/2013 12:22:06 am

That's good, massive inspiration and plot changes can be a pain. :P

Okay, I shall inform Mr. Ink-Splattered we now have 2 requests. :P

~The WordWeaver

1/24/2013 08:42:26 am

My current word count is 326....yeah, I know, I'm a slacker. :P It should be at the very least 1,500 when it's done, but I hope to have it more than that. Preferably 3,000, but I don't think I'll have that much time, since I'm going somewhere without computer access for a week, and I have to write the next FVF before I go.....

So yeah, my word count is 326. :P

The WordWeaver
1/26/2013 12:16:25 am

Well, 326 isn't bad, and ye aren't a slacker. :P

Ouch, yeah, I think I read about you going away on your blog. :(

I can't wait for the next FVF. :D

2/12/2013 08:05:02 am

Eek, I haven't written anything since that comment, and there's only three days left! :O Must get to it....must get to it....

The WordWeaver
2/14/2013 05:29:24 am

AH!!! Write, Hyper, WRITE!!!!!

Lol. But I haven't even finished mine yet, and tomorrow is the last day...

Princess Writer
1/25/2013 12:19:26 pm

2014! Ugh! You make me wait.... very unhappily! :'( ;)
Well.... I love to read about your writing. But yes, maybe a bit of your life would be nice, as well. :)

OH. I'm praying for your teammates. :P JK!

♥ Her Highness ♥

The WordWeaver
1/26/2013 12:19:46 am

2014 would be if I publish it, which will be decided when it's finished and whether or not I think it's good enough...

If it isn't, I'll probably post it here before the Summer is over, if it is, then I was thinking of publishing it. I have several other short stories in my head that could possibly be compiled into a book.

I don't know though. :P

Lol! :P My teammates are really good, I'm just hoping I don't make a fool of myself.

General J.S.
1/26/2013 05:46:57 am

What do both F.V.F. and J.K. mean?

The WordWeaver
1/26/2013 06:20:04 am

FVF is a thingy Hyperlinkzer is doing on his blog. It stands for Fred VS Friends, where Fred (a fish), debates his pond friends in different matters. Season 2 just started, it's really cool. And he leaves it up to us (the viewers) to vote on who won the debate.

Here's his blog: hyperlinkzer.blogspot.com

JK means just kidding in texting. Same with LOL, which could mean Lots of laughs, or Laughing out loud.

The WordWeaver

General J.S.
1/28/2013 07:04:49 am



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