I was proved wrong on Thursday - apparently volleyball wasn't intended to torture short twelve year olds.  *Grin*

I finally served the ball good enough, so that it actually went over the net.  So I'm getting better at serving, and the other things in volleyball are improving, I've been trying to hit the ball more often - rather than just stay in the back, and only hit the ball when absolutely necessary.

Writing, however, isn't going so well.  I still haven't been able to finish my Short Story, and my novel is dragging its 'feet' in being written quickly.

Other than that, I'm doing alright.  And I still want to finish the series about originality soon.  Keyword, soon.

So that might be a while because  I've been busy - staying up late and getting up earlier than I would like, though its nothing to be proud of, the times I get up, that is.

In other news, my Homeschool C0-op started once more, and I'm in a writing class my mom is teaching, so I had a couple writings I had to do, no more than a couple hundred words, but it forced me to write something interesting (sort of) and complete in a time frame.  Something I should be pressing on myself to have much more.

At this rate, my novel will be finished next Fall, as I also intend to finish Vengeance's Blade throughout the summer.

As said before, today was co-op day.  But it was also Spontaneous Clean-Up Day, in which my parents, me and usually one of my brothers, clean up a room.  My dad helped my brother clean up his half of the room, while my mom helped me clean up my half.  I assure you, it wasn't an entirely pleasant sight (think of dirty clothes strewn across an un-swept floor), but now its bearable to look at. :P

Also, I've joined a sort of contest for this month, March, in which I dress up like a character from one of my novels.  This month's addition, I am taking pictures of an item my character would have, the creator of the contest likes to spin things around each month.

So, that item originally was going to be a viking cloak clasp, since I want to buy one off of Ebay for a while, and this gave me an excuse to.  Unfortunately, I haven't, and probably won't for a while, so now I'll have to think up something different.  Oh, and by the way, this item can't be a weapon, so yeah.

And I guess that basically wraps up this post.  
General J.S.
3/3/2013 04:01:55 am

(It should actually be "proven", not "proved")

That's good -- about volleyball.

In case you're wondering, I'm in watercolor painting in co-op.

Who hosts the "character-dress-up-contest"?

General J.S.
3/3/2013 04:02:51 am

I am, in a few minutes, going to a paintball event with people from our church!

Gwingyth Thunderblade
3/12/2013 04:24:55 pm

Hi Warrior,

In your Weebly site StoryWars, where did you get that picture of the wolf-bear-bull warlord from?

Gwingyth Thunderblade

The WordWeaver (WoA)
3/17/2013 02:47:09 am

Hi Gwin!

That was a default picture. I might change it for something else, but until my friend and I actually start posting, I'll leave it there.

~WoA (The WordWeaver)

General J.S.
3/17/2013 03:59:13 am

That is what I was wondering!


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