Because of the current situation between dogs and cats, I, the master of news reporting... was forced to pick a different topic this week, since no humans should here the current political crisis.  So, although I dearly wish I could tell you of the cat's infiltration of- woops!  uh, yes.

Dmail creator Alis LoudBark, a former secretary for the Female Dog Mailing Corp. invented this ingenious way of communicating, tell us more about it Alis.

Alis:  Well hello Mr.  Interview!  Hello mom!  Anyway, I am Alis, inventor of Dmail Services, my very own business.

Marshall Jhon Mebble:  Yes, I asked, in your own words, what is the Dmail communications like?

Alis:  Oh yes, nearly forgot.  Dmail's are a simple dog way to transport a message, I invented it ten years ago in another war between cats and dogs, I mean Dogs, and cats, cats must always be spelled with a lowercase and dogs with an uppercase letter and dogs must come first.  As I was saying, Dmail's could not be interpreted by cats, except for specialist cats trained in the art.  It is simply dogs barking out a form of language.  Please consider the reasonable price of only 9.99, and unlike the Cat's Mailing, Dmail Services has a free long distance plan, it only costs 4.99-

Marshall Jhon Mebble:  Yes that's very interesting- wait, did you say the long distance plan was free?

Alis:  Yes, for a donation of 4.99 or higher-

Marshall Jhon Mebble:  Never mind.  This has been The Peoples Live News, signing out.
9/13/2012 01:15:44 am

"I mean Dogs, and cats, cats must always be spelled with a lowercase and dogs with an uppercase letter and dogs must come first." = LOL. :D


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